If you want to learn how to engage your audience and make them feel like you know what you’re talking about, then you need to learn about 5 Simple Steps To Win Audience Engagement With Instagram Stories. You can find out more about these steps from the marketers that use Instagram for business purposes on this site. Their stories and the lessons they teach can help you get a stronger foothold in the audience market that Facebook and other social media sites are currently going after. The first step is to understand who your target audience is and find out their likes and dislikes. This will make it easier to create content that is suited for them.
For instance, if you have a product or service that is geared towards older people, you might not want to post some racy pictures of naked old men. On the other hand, if you have a lot of older people in your target audience, you could easily make some adult-oriented pictures and posts. The key is knowing where to draw the line. That means knowing what kinds of pictures or posts are more appropriate for whom. The lesson here is knowing what groups of people you should avoid upsetting with potentially offensive content.
The next thing to do is learn where your target audience hangs out. This is very important because this will tell you where you should target your posts. Are they more likely to like a picture of cat food or a picture of an explosion? Knowing this information will help you work out how many posts you should make in certain areas on the platform. Just don’t go there and make a lot of posts in places that aren’t appropriate.
One of the most important lessons to learn from Instagram is to be genuine. Even if you’re trying to sell a product, it’s still not a good idea to make up testimonials or put other people on commission. The audience already sees that you’re not looking to get their money in return, so don’t do it. People love the personal stories that show real people doing things for real.
A good place to post pictures is on your personal page. Your audience will naturally be attracted to pictures of you, so make good use of this feature. If your audience enjoy seeing pictures of you doing normal things, they’ll be more likely to engage with your stories.
Videos are also a great way to get your audience to engage with you. If you can make use of videos from your real life, that’s even better. You can create videos like a “how to” manual for something you are selling or showing people how to do something simple. Then you can share those videos along with a link to your Instagram account.
If you already have a website or blog, you can even use these as the platform for your videos. But don’t just upload a boring video and expect your audience to join in. Make them interesting and engaging. You can throw in fun graphics and backgrounds or have your actors perform or talk about things like crafts and other topics that you would commonly talk about in your everyday life. If your audience can relate to the content, it makes it more likely they’ll click on the link in your bio to go to your site and look what you have to offer.
The key to creating an engaging Instagram story is to think like your audience. Think of the things they might be interested in, and share that with them. It really is quite simple, but sometimes people get a little lazy and aren’t able to make their stories entertaining. Follow these steps, and you should be well on your way to engaging your audience on Instagram.